Duplantis sets a pole vault world record in the opening Diamond League meet of the season

Views: | Time:2024-06-03 19:13:35

XIAMEN, China (AP) — Armand Duplantis broke his own world record in the pole vault when he cleared 6.24 meters Saturday at the season-opening Diamond League meet in China.

Sweden’s Duplantis told a pre-meet news conference that he never puts limits on himself and was always capable of a record.

The Olympic and two-time world champion proved that Saturday night, setting a world record for the eighth time in his career as he surpassed the mark of 6.23 he set last September at the Diamond League meet in Eugene, Oregon.

“This is my first time in China and it’s exciting to get my season going,” the 24-year-old Duplantis said.

Known as Mondo, Duplantis entered the competition at 5.62 meters and also cleared 5.82 and 6 meters before attempting the record and clearing it at his first try.

Sam Kendricks placed second at 5.82, followed by Huang Bokai at 5.72.

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